This blog is not associated with any organization or company. Recommendations are based solely on our own family's beliefs and standards. It is your responsibility to do your own research in order to make wise decisions based on your own family's needs, beliefs and standards.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

NEWS - Success Story of a Boy with Autism

As an intro to this article, many loving friends send me articles and news items about autism, since we have an autistic son.  I would love for you to send me similar items that span the spectrum for special needs and struggling students!  Please email me at

Here is the first paragraph of the article, to pique your interest.  :)

(NaturalNews) When the experts told Kristine Barnett of Indiana that her two-year-old son would probably never be able to read or even tie his shoes due to his severe case of autism, the brave mother of three decided to take matters into her own hands. And as a result, she helped nurture the young boy into the genius he is today, defying all odds and proving that the government-run education system as we currently know it is a complete failure.

Read the full article here.

Monday, March 31, 2014

NEWS - Unique Talents of Autistic People Sought by Employer

This article was published last year, but bears hopeful news of bright futures for some special needs adults.

The German software company, SAP, says it hopes to recruit hundreds of people with autism, saying they have a unique talent for information technology.

Click here to read the entire article.

The article is mentioned here in another online article.